Technical Lead Meela
– Present
Passionate, multi-disciplinary, professional software architect and manager with strong communication skills and the ability to learn quickly. Demonstrated versatility for software development, business development, team management, and DevOps. Committed to empathetic team management, high quality, reusable code and user experiences that will stand the test of time.
– Present
– Present
Promoted from Lead role started in April 2019.
Management role with close interaction with the executive.
Promoted from Senior role started in December 2017.
Worked with clients ranging from Veoneer, Navico, TYRI, 24rental, and personally secured tender with UiT The Arctic University of Norway to deliver open language technology.
Experience with macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android, web and embedded development, with a particular focus on integration and architectural aspects of development as role developed to be more architect-focused.
Responsible for the management of language technology for several language communities such as the Sámi people on behalf of UiT The Arctic University of Norway, managing three primary areas: keyboard development and deployment, spellchecking and grammar checking integration, and package management.
Role incorporated elements of team management, mentorship of junior developers, architecture planning for new projects, scoping of new projects and software development. Since late 2020, also included DevOps responsibilities.
Promoted to Lead Software Developer in April 2019.
April 2016 – May 2017
Responsible for the development and deployment of a ride scheduling and monitoring app for Android and iOS, including a backend built on Node.js and PostgreSQL. Built and managed small team from June 2016.
Developed minimum viable product for Android, iOS and backend alone over first three months. Rapid development of native apps was made possible due to strong adherence to functional reactive programming principles (Rx) and reliance on code generation (OpenAPI). Approximately one-third of the current code bases for iOS and Android consists of code generated from the same base templates, limiting code duplication and maintenance.
Resigned due to lack of financial viability of the platform. Company defunct since 2018.
2009 – 2017
Long-term client. Projects mostly relating to speller technology for indigenous and minority languages (particularly Sámi and northern Canadian first nations languages) such as spellcheckers or custom software keyboards.
Working on several small contracts throughout 2017. These projects have used: Python, C, C++, Objective C, Swift, Java, JNI, JavaScript, and a variety of obscure and less obscure build tools. Platforms include: Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS and the web.
Some of the projects below involved subcontractors to supplement the work while I took on the role of CTO of Localift. Recent projects include:
July 2011 – April 2014
Full time research and development position, initially focused on adding a new output mechanism to an XML-based form design and deployment product that initially could only render to PDF, to achieve full HTML5 rendering support across all major desktop and touch browsers.
In mid-2013, promoted to senior role. Shifted to working on a new product focused exclusively on HTML form outputs, with HTML as the document language (as opposed to XML) and AngularJS as the framework for developing the editor and form dependencies, and extensive use of LESS for styling, including as the language used for serialisation of styles.
May 2011 – August 2011
A Google Summer of Code project completed for a natural language project called Apertium. The project entails the development of a quality control framework to better control the integrity of morphological dictionaries in a methodical manner, not unlike unit testing for programming languages.
Parts of this project are still in use today by organisations such as UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
As a multi-discipline developer, I have experience with building web projects, efficient web backends, embedded projects, terminal-based applications, test harnesses, native apps for mobile devices, and desktop apps. As a consequence, I am fairly proficient in several programming languages.
In the last 3 years I have been required to use in a professional context (in alphabetical order): C, C#, C++, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, Nix, Objective C, Python, Rust, Swift, Terraform, TypeScript.
I prefer working with Rust, TypeScript, Kotlin and somewhat reluctantly with Swift.
Tech buzzwords I've interacted with recently include: Kubernetes, Terraform, Vault, GraphQL, polyglot projects, Solid.js, Vite, pgsodium, Tauri.
I use git for source code management. I am happy to work in Windows, macOS, Linux or even more obscure environments without issue.
Specific examples of suitability for a role or proficiency in a given context may be provided upon request.
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, with Distinction
University of Technology, Sydney